Monday, October 31, 2022

Wordle 499

⬛️⬛️🟨🟨🟩 DELAY
🟨🟨⬛️🟨🟩 LAITY
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 APTLY

This one me a while. Most of the time was spent after I had made my second guess. I had trouble figuring out what the missing letter was and how to arrange the letters I already had.

This was my first 1.2.2 in over a month. The last time I started a game with 1.2.2 was on Sep 19. This was only my eighth game that began with 1.2.2 which means that it happens on average about once every 31 days.

This is also my last game for October. I completed all my games in October in 3, 4, or 5 guesses. I completed a new personal monthly best 14 games in 3 guesses. I finished 9 games in 4 guesses and 8 games in 5 guesses. Neither of those are monthly record highs or lows.

I had one 5G and three 0Y games in October. One of the 0Y games took me 4 guesses but the other two and the 5G game I finished in 3 guesses.

My average score for October was 3.83. That is a new monthly record low.

The split between games that took 3 and 5 guesses to complete was at +3 in favor of games that took 3 guesses to complete, at the end of September. It is now, at the end of October, at +10 in favor of games that took 3 guesses to complete.

🟨⬛️⬛️🟨⬛️⬛️ SEPTUM
⬛️⬛️🟨🟨🟨⬛️ INSTAL
⬛️⬛️🟩🟨🟩⬛️ TOASTY
🟩⬛️🟩🟨🟩🟩 CHARTS
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 CRAFTS

There’s a cross in my results. It probably wouldn’t be there if I had not goofed and put T in the same place in my second guess as it was in my first guess. I thought INSTAL had two Ls. I figured it was going to tell me that was an invalid word so I didn’t bother to check about the placement of letters.

I knew my third guess couldn’t be the answer because it was the answer two days ago. It did fit and did help me solve the puzzle fairly quickly.

That’s the last game for October. My average score for October is 4.06 which is my best monthly score to date. My overall average score is 4.1 which is down slightly from 4.12 at the end of September.

I finished 10 games in three guesses which is a new high mark for me. I finished 12 games in four guesses which ties the high mark that I reached in September. I finished 6 games in five guesses which is the least number of five guess games that I have had in a month so far. I finished 3 games in six guesses which is the same as in September and the current record.

I had two 6G games but no 0Y games in October. This is the first full month that I have not had a 0Y game.

⬛️🟨⬛️🟨⬛️⬛️⬛️ FEUDING
🟨⬛️🟩🟨🟩🟩🟩 ROASTED
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 STARTED

That didn’t last very long.

That’s the last game for October. My average score for the month past is 4.13. My overall average is 3.96. It was 3.88 at the end of September.

I had one 0Y and no 7G games in October.

I did not set any new high or low records for the number of games I finished in 3 or 4 guesses. I finished one game in 2 guesses and one in 7 guesses. It took me 6 guesses to finish four of my games which is a new monthly high.

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