Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Wordle 480

🟨⬛️🟨⬛️⬛️ CHIDE
⬛️🟨🟨⬛️⬛️ PICKY
⬛️🟩🟩🟩🟩 SONIC
⬛️🟩🟩🟩🟩 TONIC
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 IONIC

This one didn’t take me forever but it was not easy. I thought I had it on the fourth guess. I looked in my list of start words for something to play on my second guess but there was nothing that fit the criteria. I wanted something that had two vowels but PICKY was the only word that I could think of that fit. SONIC didn’t occur to me until after I played PICKY.

Three of my past four games have taken 5 guesses. Four of my past six games have started with 0.2.3. My average for this streak is creeping up toward 4. I wish it was lower but I’m happy that the streak is still going.

⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️🟩 INSULT
🟨🟨🟨⬛️🟨🟩 CARPET
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 REDACT

That was relatively fast. My second guess came from my list of start words. It was the only one on the list that fit. I only had to play with the letters for a few minutes before I came up with my third and final guess.

This is just the second time in 79 games that I have started with 1.0.5 and finished in 3 guesses. The previous occasion was on Sep 22.

⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️🟨🟨🟩 REFRAIN
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 CAUTION

I probably should not have started with REFRAIN because it has two Rs.

This is the third game I have completed in two guesses. The previous one was on Sep 1.

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