Sunday, March 31, 2024

Wordle 1016

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Time: 1-2 minutes

I didn’t notice that I placed the O in the same place in my second guess as I did my first guess until after I played my second guess.

This is just the 15th time that yellow has occurred more frequently than either black or green but that there has not been a dominant color. This is the first time this year that this has happened. Six of the previous 14 times this happened were also 5G games.

Games played: 768
Winning streak: 327

This is the last game of the month. Here are some stats and some notes about my Wordle games from March.

My average score for Mar was 3.61 which breaks my previous record for lowest average score of 3.68 which was established in Dec 2023.

I started 9 games in Mar with 0.2.3. This is the fourth time that I have started 9 games in a single month with 0.2.3. I have never started more than 9 games with 0.2.3 in a single month.

I finished 24 games in less than 5 guesses in March. This is the sixth time that I have finished 24 or more games in less than 5 guesses in a single month.

This is just the second time that I have finished more games in three guesses than I did in 4 guesses in a single month. The only other time this happened was in Oct 2022 when I finished 14 games in 3 guesses.

I started 5 games in Mar with 0.1.4 that I finished 3 guesses. This is the third time this has happened. I have never finished a month having started more than 5 games with 0.1.4 that I finished in 3 guesses.

I completed five 5G games in Mar. This is just the third time I have completed five 5G games in a single month. I have never completed more than five 5G games in a single month. 

Four of my 5G games this month were completed in 2 guesses. This is the first time I have completed more than one 5G game in 2 guesses in a single month.

This is the third time that my last game of the month has also been a 5G game. I finished all three of these games in 4 guesses. The two previous times that my last games of the month were 5G game were Jun 2023 and Oct 2023.

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