Sunday, December 3, 2023

Wordle 897

🟨⬛️⬛️⬛️🟨 POUND
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 ADAPT

Time: 1-2 minutes

The drought has ended. After more than two months without finishing a game in 2 guesses I have finally finished my 22nd game in 2 guesses and ended a streak of 66 games without finishing a game in 2 guesses. My longest streak of games without finishing a game in 2 guesses lasted 75 games. 

This is my first 5G game this month. This is the fifth consecutive month in which I have had at least one 5G game. I have had at least one 5G game in 19 of the past 22 months.

This is the first time I have started a game with 0.2.3 and finished it in 2 guesses.

This is the third time this streak and sixth time overall that I have finished a 5G game in 2 guesses. Three of those six games occurred during my current streak. My current streak is the only one in which I have finished more than one 5G game in 2 guesses. I started four of the five previous 5G games that I finished in 2 guesses with 0.3.2 and the other game with 0.4.1. 

Games played: 649
Winning streak: 208

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