Thursday, February 8, 2024

Wordle 964

🟨🟩🟨🟨⬛️ CLEAT
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 PLACE

Time: 1 minute

This is the first time I have started a game with 1.3.1. Never. Happened. Before.

This is the sixth time I have started a game with just one one black letter. Four of the other five times I started with 0.4.1 and once I started with 2.2.1. Three of the six games have happened during my current streak. 

This is the second time this month that I have finished a game in 2 guesses. This is the seventh time that I have finished 2 or more games in 2 guesses in a single month. Three of those seven months have happened during my current streak. 

This is the third time that I have finished back to back games in 2 guesses. The previous times I finished back to back games in two guesses were Jan 2023 and Mar 2023.

Games played: 716
Winning streak: 275

This is the 275th game of my current streak. Here are some stats. 

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