Thursday, November 23, 2023

Wordle 887

🟨⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ NITRO
⬛️⬛️🟨⬛️🟨 DANCE
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 QUEEN

Time: 11-12 minutes

I spent most of my time on my third guess. I didn’t think QUEEN was going to be the answer but it seemed like a good guess.

This is the 65th time this streak that I have started a game with 0.1.4. This ties the number of games that I started with 0.1.4 in my longest streak which lasted 15 games longer than my current streak.

This is the first game this month that I have started with 0.1.4 and finished in 3 guesses. This is the 16th consecutive month that I have started at least one game with 0.1.4 and finished it in 3 guesses. I have started at least one game with 0.1.4 and finished it 3 guesses in 19 of the 21 months that I have been playing this game.

This is my first 5G game this month. This is the fourth consecutive month that I have had at least one 5G game. I have had at least one 5G game in 18 of the 21 months that I have been playing this game.

This is my 40th 5G game. This is the 15th time that I have started a 5G game with 0.1.4. I have finished all my 5G games that started with 0.1.4 in 3 or 4 guesses. 

Games played: 639
Winning streak: 198

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