Sunday, May 12, 2024

Wordle 1058

⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️🟨 SHAKE
⬛️⬛️⬛️🟩🟩 PILER
⬛️🟨⬛️🟩🟩 MOVER
⬛️🟨⬛️⬛️🟨 FONDU
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 OUTER

Time: 9-10 minutes

I spent most of my time on my fourth guess.

The first word that occurred to me after my third guess was OUTER but then I started to see all sorts of other possible answers. I decided that the prudent thing to do was execute plan B, hence FONDU. Other possible answers I saw were OFFER, ODDER, OWNER, OTTER.

This is the first time this month that I have started a game with 0.1.4 and finished it in 5 guesses. This is the seventh consecutive month that I have started at least one game with 0.1.4 and finished it in 5 guesses. I have started at least one game with 0.1.4 and finished it in 5 guesses in 25 of the past 27 months.

Games played: 810
Winning streak: 369

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