Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Wordle 809

⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ DEBIT
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️🟩 POUCH
⬛️🟨⬛️⬛️🟩 RAJAH
⬛️⬛️🟩🟩🟩 FLASH
⬛️⬛️🟩🟩🟩 SMASH
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 GNASH

Time: 5-6 minutes

I was thinking of trying a word that ended in ASH for my third guess but then I thought of RAJAH and decided to go with that. I might have finished the game in 5 guesses if FLASH had been my third guess but maybe not. I think I might have wanted to try AWASH as my fourth guess if I had gone that way so maybe be I wouldn’t have finished the game any faster. I didn’t even think of GNASH until after my fifth guess. 

This is the second time this month that I have started a game with 0.0.5. This is the first time this month that it has taken me 6 guesses to finish a game. This is just the seventh time that I have started a game with 0.0.5 and finished it in 6 guesses. The last time it took me 6 guesses to finish a game that began with 0.0.5 was on Jul 10. 

Games played: 561
Winning streak: 120

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