Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Wordle 830

⬛️🟩⬛️⬛️⬛️ AMORT
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 SMILE

Time: 45 seconds

It is always nice to have a game turn out like this one did. It does mean that tying my monthly record for games finished in 4 guesses is now out of reach for this month. 

This is the second time this month that I have started a game with 1.0.4 and the second time this month that I have finished a game in 2 guesses but it is the first time this month that I have started a game with 1.0.4 and finished it in 2 guesses.

This is just the second time ever that I have started a game with 1.0.4 and finished it in 2 guesses. The only other time I started a game with 1.0.4 and finished it in 2 guesses was on Nov 9, 2022

This is my fourth 0Y game this month, 13th 0Y game this streak, and overall it is my 48th 0Y game. It is just the eighth time I have finished a 0Y game in 2 guesses. Six of the eight 0Y games that I finished in 2 guesses happened during my my longest streak. 

Games played: 582
Winning streak: 141

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