Sunday, April 30, 2023

Wordle 680

⬛️⬛️🟩🟨⬛️ REALO
🟩🟩🟩⬛️⬛️ PLAIN
🟩🟩🟩⬛️⬛️ PLAST
🟩🟩🟩⬛️🟩 PLAYA
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 PLAZA

Time: 5-6 minutes

This is the first time I have started a game with 1.1.3 since Mar 26. This is the 14th consecutive month that I have started at least one game with 1.1.3. 

My monthly average for April was 4.07 which is better than my averages for Jan and Feb even though I didn’t lose any games in those two months and I did lose one in Apr. 

I did not finish any games in 2 guesses in Apr. The last time that happened was in Oct 2022.

I finished sixteen games in 4 guesses in Apr. This ties the high mark I set for games finished in 4 guesses. I have reached that mark twice before, in Sep and Dec 2022. 

I finished just two games in 5 guesses in Apr. That’s a new record low for me. The previous low was four games. 

I started 80 percent of my games (24/30) without a green letter in Apr. I did the same in Sep 2022 but I have yet to do better than that.

I didn’t start any games in Apr with two or more green letters. That’s the first time that has happened to me. 

I had four 5G games and one 0Y games in Apr. Neither of these sets a new record high or low for these statistics but I have yet to finish a month without at least one 0Y game. Dec 2022 was the last time I had just one 0Y game. 

Games played: 432
Winning streak: 8

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