Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cribbage @ Thai at Corner - Nov 15, 2011

This cribbage meetup was a bit weird. Most of the people at this meetup were new and everyone that said they would be there actually showed up; not a single no show. I can't remember the last time that happened.

It was a little uncomfortable at first. One of the new joins was acting like he was in charge. I didn't like it but what was I supposed to do? I didn't want to make a scene or be rude. It probably didn't help that I sat down next to him and wound up playing with him.

He also bought a plate full of appetizers. I ended up dining on them and some food that Vivian offered me from her plate. The only thing I bought was a Thai Iced Tea. At the end of the night he tried to pick up the tab for everyone but we insisted on chipping in. I contributed 5 dollars, which is probably less than I should have paid.

Game 1 [Teams: Marika & Clyde, Vivian & Me; Winners: Marika & Clyde]

We lost this one by a fairly large margin. We barely avoided getting skunked. Vivian was new to the game. Her mother wasn't but it had been a long time since Marika last played.

Game 2 [Teams: Marika & Clyde, Vivian & Me; Winners: Vivian & Me]

This game went right down to the wire. We had the lead early in the game only to get overtaken by the others in the middle. Towards the end we regained the lead. With one hand to go we were ahead by about 10 points and needed just 7 to win. In the end we won by a point, 121-120; Vivian didn't have any points in her hand and I had just 2 in mine. If it weren't for the fact that we got to count first we would have lost the game. 

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