Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cribbage Pro - Nov 26, 2011

Level of Difficulty: Intermediate
Winner: Cribbage Pro
Score: 121-120

Before the last hand the score was 115-115. I thought I had it when I was dealt 4-5-5-6-8-Q. Naturally I discarded 8-Q. It was CP's crib so I opened by playing 4. CP also played a 4, thus scoring two points. The score was now 117-115, and the count was 8. I played 6, making the count 14. CP played 7, making the count 21. All I had left was 5-5, so I played one of them scoring 4 points for the 4-5-6-7 run. The score was now 117-119 and the count was 25. CP plays 4 which should have ended the game, but instead of counting 4 points for the 4-5-6-7 run it counted 3, so the score was 120-119 and the count was 29. I called muggins and picked up the point that CP missed. It was now all tied up at 120-120 and the count was still 29. It was my turn but all I had was a 5 so I had to say GO. CP scored a point for the GO and won the game 121-120.

Looking back on it now if I had held on to the Q then I might have won the game.

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