Friday, January 17, 2014

Cribbage @ Ghana Café - Jan 16, 2014

I arrived late and stayed late. There was a fairly big turnout, 11 people; a few of them were new to the group, a couple others were joining us for just the second time.

I played 4 games. The first two were 4-player games. Mandy and I were paired against Bryan and Rebecca. We won both games although B&R led for the first 2/3 of the first game.

After that a few people left and the group shrunk from 11 to 7. I played a 3-player game with Mandy and Ted which I won without much trouble. I think Mandy might have got skunked.

After that a few more people left and the group shrunk from 7 to 3. Joey, Ted, and I played one final game. I won that one too, again without much trouble. Once again someone got skunked, I think this time it was Joey. It was 10 by then. We all had work he next day so we packed up and left.

As good as I did I didn't have any phenomenal hands. I think my highest scoring hand was 12 points; no double-double or triple-double runs for me. I just got consistently good cards.

For dinner I had chicken with "stew" and black beans and rice. The food was good but a little pricey. I paid about $17, including tax and tip for the food.