Monday, May 14, 2012

Cribbage @ Marx Cafe - May 13, 2012

Game 1 (Teams: Joel & Charles, Ann & Me; Winners: Joel & Charles)

Game 2 (Teams: Joel & Charles, Ann & Me; Winners: Joel & Charles)

My highest hand of the night was a double-double run for 16 points in the first game.

Worst moment of the night (for me) happened in the first game. I played an ace, the third in a row after both Ann and Charles. I was feeling rather confident so I made a snide remark, something along the lines of, "oh that's too bad". My moment of glory was shattered seconds later when Joel played the 4th ace. I wasn't expecting that. It hurt but I earned it. Karma.

We got skunked in the second game.

More people had arrived by the time game 2 ended. We broke things up. I played Joel while Ann and Charles played a game.

Game 3 (Players: Joel, Me; Winner: Joel)

After our game Joel had to go. I watched Ann and Charles finish up their game, which Ann won.

Game 4 (Players: David, Ann, Me; Winner: David)

David joined us after Charles left. I was in 3rd place for the entire game and just barely avoided getting skunked.

The weirdest moment of the night happened during this game. It was David's turn to count his points. He threw down his cards and said he had two pair for 4 points. His cards were Q-Q-5-5. Ann and I looked at the cards, then at one another then back at the cards then at David. She looked as confused as I felt. David looked back at us. He still hadn't put 2 and 2 together. I dunno how he missed seeing that many points but once we pointed out his mistake the veil was lifted, he understood confused facial expressions, and took the additional 8 points he had in his hand.

Including me, a total of 8 people came to this event; none of them were new to the group. We got the waitress to take a picture of us which came out quite nicely. We were there for about 5 hrs.