Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cribbage Meetup @ Thai at Corner - Apr 18, 2012

This was a meetup that almost didn't happen. Even though I announced it there wasn't much response positive or negative. Only one other person showed up and he didn't RSVP until an hour or two beforehand.

That said, I had a lot of fun. The food was great, as usual; I had the Tilapia Basil and a Sam Adams. Eric and I played three close games. I won the first one by a single point and the next one by two. I won the final game by 13 points.

I had my best hand of the night in the first game. I was dealt 5-J-Q-K of spades. I discarded the other two cards, whatever they were. The turn card was another face card. I scored 20 = 8 (4 x 15) + 8 (double run) + 4 (flush).

Eric's best hand scored 24 points, which may have included a triple run. I know he had a triple run at some point I just can't remember if it was during that hand or not.