Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cribbage @ Old City Cafe of Jerusalem - Feb 9, 2012

I can't remember ever getting skunked in back to back games, let alone three times in a row, but it happened tonight.

Game 1 - Opponents: David, Eric; Outcome: I got skunked

Game 2 - Teams: David & Eric, Steve and Me; Outcome: We got double skunked

Game 3 - Opponents: David, Steve; Outcome: I got skunked

Game 4 - Opponents: David, Ann; Outcome: I won

I won game 4 in style. I had the lead for most of the game. Towards the end Ann caught up to me. She almost won on the last hand but didn't have enough points in her hand to close the deal. I didn't have enough points in my hand to  win, but the crib was mine. I only needed four points to win, before counting the crib. It was possibly my best crib ever: 7-8-9-9-9; a triple run plus a 15 for a total of 17 points.

Despite getting skunked as many times as I did tonight I really enjoyed myself. The food was very good and I had fun chatting with the people with whom I played.